PCB Chairman Zaka Ashraf Sacked by Patron in chief Nawaz Sharif and Najam Sathi Revamped the complete structure. Moen Khan Head coach,Muhammad Akram Bowling Coach, Shoeb Muhammad Fielding Coach, Shoeb Muhammad Submit application for batting coach but he appointed as fielding coach similarly Zaheer Abbas had not submitted any of the application but his appointment as Cricketing Consultant shocked all postings in PCB According PCB to newly selected chairman PCB najam sathi appointed all these top officials and removed Amir Sohail, Ilyas Ahmad and Basit Khan form their posts. Najam Sathi was elected by the Management committee members through SMS, Email and physical apperance of only three in the meeting said by the najam Sathi. the PCB released the following press release about the decision took in first MC meeting. The First Meeting of the Management (MC) Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) was held today at the Gaddafi Stadium Lahore. The following memb...